Friday, September 16, 2005

this wooden horse of troy malarkey...

every day the Left wakes up, stretches, and goes to work at figuring out how best to go about filling up their own wooden animal and then trying to smuggle it into the heartland and saying, "AHA! Now we've got DUBYA and we got him good!"
And every day everybody watches the Left load up their wooden asse, and every day they watch them storm out, and every day everybody else pops their head up for a second, shakes their heads, and returns to the "business of the nation" as the Left used to love to put their political chicanery during the 90's.
and every day, the Left is unable to believe that no one else will join them in getting their wooden asse ready, after all, today is the day that they are going to force the President into submission. Today they will stop John Roberts. Today they will use Katrina as political cannon fodder. Today they will embarass the President with what should have been a nominally private note to Condi Rice. Every day is Today. Every single damn day the Left wakes up in what seems to be a permanent myopia with but one goal in mind: get George Bush.
It reminds me that silly movie with Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore. Each day she wakes up, unable to remember the events of the previous day. Her short term memory has been destroyed, and thus can remember everything that happened to up until the point at which her ability to store short term memories is wiped out. Something similar has happened to the Left in recent years; for them, the moment at which their memories stop working is the day the Supreme Court stopped Florida from counting chads, dimples and recounts from previous counts. For them, the issue of what the law was concerning the elections are irrelevant; the Court took the election away from Al Gore and gave it to this interloper, this smug, arrogant, stupid yet simultaneously briliant conspirator who has managed to use the war on terror as an excuse to expand his oil industry associates wallets. The contradictions throughout the Left's worldview are almost to incongruent to believe, and thus, it's not even important to talk about what they believe or how they got there. Their beliefs are helping them in any event, they're only forcing to go through this daily repetition of always looking for that single shred of evidence, that one memo, that one leak, that one natural catastrophe, that one moment when somebody, somewhere in America is not protected by the all-encompassing arms of the government. They want George Bush to be their father and at the same time they want to behave just teenagers, never listening, always running about trying to get one up on the old man. It's beyond absurd, it's psychotic.
I know from experience what sheer hatred of a political opponent can bring. When I was but 12 I became engrossed with the fatal reality that Bill Clinton, whom I had figured out was nothing more than a womanizer and political opportunist and that he would be President for at least four more years. But hating Clinton never got me anywhere with anyone, especially myself; it only made me want to go out and espouse a positive agenda of change cemented in my belief in the rule of law, the market economy, and representative, federal, constitutional government. The scandals, the mismanagement of international relations, the slippery slope of perjury being acceptable, the selling of America technologies for campaign cash, the administrations possession of thousands of FBI files on political opponents, Whitewater, Vince Foster, Ron Brown, Waco, and on and on and on and on...that wasn't the point. Really and truly, America has survived far worse than eight years of El Bubba hanging out in the White House having parties. I can effectively argue that Bill Clinton helped eviscerate more of the Democratic Party than the Right could ever have hoped to do, and did so in a fashion that allowed the Democrats to believe that they were still in it, even though they weren't at all. Hating Bill Clinton taught me how to like Bill Clinton, how to get past his behavior, his ethical shortcomings, how to see through him a vehicle for change. After all, the only two of Clinton's major legislative initiatives to ever become law that actually mattered were conservative ideas: NAFTA and welfare reform. And even if he did nothing else, which isn't true, that would be enough for me. Two victories, lets gets some more.
But the Left cannot ever like George Bush, and they never will, and thus, because the Democrats have eschewed the role of the loyal opposition, they will likely continue to build their giant wooden asse every day, not sure why everyone else isn't participating.

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