Wednesday, September 28, 2005

cry out, ophelia!

That's Twelfth Night. Very good Chuck.
Ahem, sorry.
The clarity of purpose that I was assumed drove all great people is completely obfuscated in my mind. How best to hasten the death blow to the Democrats? Is that really what we need since they seem to be doing a fine job of making themselves irrelevant? Is a bloated majority government that is indeed only a conservative one (it's important to consult Friedrich Hayek at the end of "The Constitution of Liberty" to see his excellent postscript entitled, "Why I am not a conservative to understand what I am going to talk about it; in it, Hayek argues that the European scheme of conservative versus liberal has been but merely exported in name only to the US; what we have are conservatives and socialists. I am a liberal. There is nothing about American civilization that I wish to conserve. I want to use the amendment process for radical change, I believe in the absorption of foreign nation-states, and the expansion into the Solar System. There is nothing conservative about what I believe except my belief in the rule of law, representative, limited and constitutional government, and the market economy; but that isn't to say that I don't think that we can't improve upon those concepts, it only means that I think it's a safe bet to stick with those ideas because they have gotten us this far and until we figure out something better we had better to adhere to a few guidelines. Charles Schumer and Rangel and for that part most of the House Democratic caucus and a significant portion of the Senate are indeed socialists. They don't even understand that they are indeed socialists, most of them at least, and those that do would never openly admit it. A terrible game of hide and seek is being played out across America and the Left needs to come clean. But enough with that) is that a government that we would want...phew...
No, but really, can't the "conservatives" govern with the realization that change is going to happen and that we've got to foster that change, to nurture it, to provide it the fertile soil it needs to grow in? Can we integrate India fully into the Anglosphere? Can we Anglosize Iraq and Afghanistan to a substantial degree that they become the Germany and the South Korea of the Cold War, with India as the Japan and Australia as the 51st, 52nd and however many other states that they have? Can we beat the Chinese?
And so much of this falls back to whether or not the Left can be exposed as what it is to the vast majority of the American public so that it completely loses all trust in the Left and the Democrats, the oldest political party on the planet, go the way of the Whigs and the Federalists and the Soviets...into the ash heap of history. That will of course split the majority party into the Conservative Party and a purified Republican/Liberal Party that will retake the liberal mantra and make the socialists completely irrelevant.
Here's a proposition I have that will split the Left: universal health care vouchers for universal school vouchers. An even swap. Through a process of indexing and massive statistical calculations, we could arrive at an approximate amount your healthcare will cost over the course of your life. Simply by filling in all the blanks: ethnicity, health history, family health history, etc. A long time ago I pointed out that there is nothing more insane than paying someone to pay someone else. I went to the doctor to get my fingernail drained, I had slammed it in the door. I waited for more than an hour, and then, they took me back and weighed me and took my bloodpressure. Now, I know that's just standard procedure, but then I sat in the room for thirty more minutes and then a nurse came in and said, Mr Maley, let's go get your X-rays and I said, I didn't request any X-rays.
The arrogance of it all. Oh, he doesn't want any x-rays she said, loudly back to the room. I said no, I explained to the front desk lady that all I wanted was to have some holes drilled in my nail to realize this blood please!
Fifteen more minutes.
Finally, the doctor comes in, has me lay down and drills two little holes into my fingernail. Time to completion: thirty seconds. Time to relief, as soon as the blood started flowing.
And then I sat there another fifteen minutes. But hey, I say to myself, echoing Jonah's thoughts from the other day, at least if feels better.
As I exit I find that despite having told the front desk lady she is about to charge me for the x-ray that I did not want and did not have. Still, the bill came to around $170. I said, you've got to be kidding me. Am I paying to sit around? For the two hours that I was here that $170 would have paid both the front desk ladies, the nurse who weighed me and took my bloodpressure, and let's get a little more specific. Let's say that both front desk ladies make $20 an hour, so that's $80, and the nurse makes $30 an hour, so that's $60, for the two hours I was there my $170 would have paid there that how they arrive at the number? Because the only thing I should have paid for was the doctor drilling into my fingernail, at most, at the most, I would have been under normal market circumstances paid no more than $40 TO THE DOCTOR BECAUSE HE'S THE ONE WHO IS DOING IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let's pick a comparitive situation: you get a nail stuck in your tire. You arrive at the tire place and you're told what they have available and then you tell them it's just a nail and they say well, we can't do it right and you say, fine, I'll go somewhere ELSE and they say, ok, ok, and fifteen minutes later your tire is patched and away you go and it didn't cost you anymore than $40.
The problem is that we view all healthcare expenditures as costs. We don't view them as investments. And consequently every health decision is made based on how much the procedure will costs instead of how much we're investing in the productivity of a person, in their happiness, in their contentment, in their lifelong Gross Self Product and how much that contributes to our nation-states Gross Domestic Product. If we viewed such things as investments then every company would have mandatory exercise regimens: a fit employee is a healthy employee is an employee that's investing in their health and saving the company money in the long-term because most old age diseases can be mitigated substantially through healthy living and we simply don't offer people any immediate compensation for such prudent behavior. Imagine that we issued everyone a booklet of healthcare vouchers, each one equal to a set amount, and each one redeemable through either a private/public institution such as the Federal Reserve, or through a private consortium monitored by a government agency. These vouchers would be available through means-testing or by purchasing a health-savings account (instead of health insurance, to encourage the formation of capital) with a certified voucher accepting company. The incentive would be to SAVE your vouchers and view each doctors' as means of prevention not active care. We have come to view doctors as the ones who can solve all of our biochemical problems; somehow the human race survived without taking your child to the doctor for every cold, bump, bruise, or yourself for every ache, or pain, we have got to find ways to improve our health without relying soley on healthcare professionals. This would have the effect of flattening the market, providers would have an added incentive to actually treat patients quickly because the neutral value of the vouchers and because people would be free to choose ANY doctor.
This deal would have the added benefit of destroying the public school system and allowing choice and competition to enter there too and the argument on the left that nobody has access to healthcare blah blah would be completed mitigated.
A win win.

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