Wednesday, February 02, 2005

refocusing our energies

Now that the election in Iraq has concluded and the arduous process of counting the ballots continues, it is time for a general re-evaluation of what we are facing and how best to combat the enemies that face us. The Wahhibi movement that has infected modern day Islam is not an honest heir to the proud intellectual achievements of prevous Islamic civilizations. It is important to remember, while Europe was comatose, the great Islamic civilization of the 9th, 10th, 11th and even 12th centuries were providing us with many great insights and advancements, including ones in medicine, astronomy, algebra, and many others that right now I just can't put my finger on and don't want to Google. I am simultaneously blogging about the disease of Wahhibism while I'm working on my band's website, which you can check out here. It's not much, but it's better than it was. I'll be back. Have to go read these two articles that my dad sent me so that I can better understand Salafism and Wahhibism. To defeat the enemy, one must understand the enemy.

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