Wednesday, February 02, 2005

another dixie chicks moment

ah, eason jordan. the insanity never ends. always seem to me that when some self-important twit has to run off to some meeting of self-important people and say nasty things about the US military just to get a rise out of people, we ought to be able to revoke their citizenship. If you can't say what you want to say here in America, don't go run off to another country and say it there. It's ridiculous, it's preposterous, it's disgusting, and more importantly, it only damages their credibility even more. The situation is precisely the same as Rathergate. The more the MSM believes in their own infallibility, the more that they'll screw up, and the better off the rest of us will be. There is an easy way to deflate the power of the MSM--turn of the TV.


Anonymous said...

Turner is his boss. The only media man that hates America more than Ted is Redstone. Rathergate was not an accident, it was clumbsy but not and accident. This is not an accident. He is doing what Turner wants.
Rod Stanton

Shaymis Maylee said...

While it may be true that Turner pressured or pressures his staff and his executives to advocate a particular world view, I prefer to lay responsibility upon the person who actually said such things. Otherwise, every manager in the country could be liable for their employees opinions.