Across the web, individuals are remarking on the astonishing and frankly terrifying manner with which the White House lied concerning the terrorist attack that took place in Benghazi on 9/11/12.
As I said, it is astonishing watching (or rather reading) the string of lies that has spewed forth from the administration since those brave Americans died. To blame a video...wait, let me start again. If you are a Moslem (Muslim? Moslim? What is the proper spelling? Shia? Shiite? Shi'ite? Sheesh.) and you believe that Mahomet (we are going to stick with the 19th century spelling of this bloke) is Allah's final Prophet (wait, God, Vishnu, Yahweh...hmmm...I see a pattern here) and you are upset about this person being displayed in any format....well...I have some bad news for you.
There remain a substantial number of people in the West who believe not only in the ideas of natural rights but the explicit right of freedom of expression.
Moreover, we who believe in natural rights also refuse to lie down in the face of provocative and dangerous lies by the Obama administration. And most importantly, we must hold the legacy media's feet to the fire over their refusal to do the same to the administration.
Every conservative, libertarian, and independent American must face facts: the legacy media is nothing but the communications department of the Democrat Party. They are beyond being in the tank. They are the tank.
The media tank has created an alternative universe. An alternative universe where Barack Obama is not facing certain defeat. An alternative universe where Iran is not engaged in a region wide attempt to attain hegemony. A universe in which it is perfectly fine for people to propound the benefits of ObamaPhone. What's next? ObamaCare? Oh wait. We already have that. Yay!
Why don't we just go whole sweaty lipstick covered hog and have ObamaFood, ObamaHaircuts, ObamaCondoms, ObamaSmokes, ObamaPainkillers, ObamaToeNail clippers. Whatever you want Obamicans. Ask and Obama shall provide.
And what is the media focusing on? Romney being a kind gentleman who asks a crowd that they also chant Ryan. What else is the media focusing on? Why the hell does it matter WHAT the media is focusing on?
The hermetically sealed progressive cocoon is coming undone. Watch it unravel. Watch as the real world collides with the construct that they have built around the One.
The Middle East is unraveling.
The sovereign debt crises is unraveling.
China's economy has most likely already unraveled and we won't hear about it until 2284 when the vaults are finally opened.
Iran is waging region wide war agains forces opposed to its hegemony.
Al-Qaeda runs rampant throughout Africa and we do nothing.
Robert Heinlein predicted the "Crazy Years." They are upon us. What we do now matters more than ever. We must defeat Barack Obama. We must undo ALL of the damage that he has done to the Constitution, the US military, and our global alliances. We must reverse course fiscally, and avoid the otherwise unavoidable and catastrophic collapse.
It begins with conservatives and libertarians and independents rejecting the status quo. We must not accede to their most basic demand: submit. Modern progressivism and radical Islam share this notion of total submission--Islam means submission--and we, the free and sovereign people of the United States, reject submission. We embrace freedom.
Our freedom begins with disempowering the Left. We must begin the most publicly charged effort to undermine everything the Left does via the "media". We must turn Alinksy on his head and apply it ten times stronger than they apply it to us. It is not enough to boycott--we must compete! We must bring the news better and we must do so by ending this quaint notion of the "story." The death of the US Ambassador to Libya is not a story, it is really happening right now to the family of that poor man; it really happened to him.
The conservative movement has not been very good at agitprop. We reject the notion. We want to appeal to people's minds, not their emotions. We don't want to be like the Left.
Just like your average angry Middle Eastern Muslim who doesn't want that bloke Mahomet shown riding a unicorn with rainbows streaming out of its ass has to accept that's just modernity, so too do conservatives need to accept that if you want to beat your enemy, you have to acknowledge that as unfortunate as it is, the United States is engaged in a cold civil war.
I am not the first to suggest that this the case, but it is the case. There is a battle being waged for the heart and soul of the United States. The progressive Left wants to transform America into a socialist utopia. Conservatives want to shepherd the Republic through the coming technological revolution while remaining true to our Founding principles. The progressive Left will not tell you that in a socialist utopia, everyone is equally miserable. They will not tell you that in their socialist utopia, there will still be two tiers--those who are in power and can dispense it at will--and the miserable rest of us, trapped somewhere in between Terry Gilliam's "Brazil" and Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World."
The Left will not come out and say that this is what they want: an all powerful, imperial government capable of enacting whatever statutes it choose, without any consideration for constitutional limitations. This is what ObamaCare heralds. And ObamaLunch. And soon, ObamaCar.
If Obama wins the election, we will see ObamaCars driven by people with ObamaPhones getting an ObamaCheck and receiving ObamaCare. They will believe that it is Obama who has made their life livable. They will owe him their perpetual allegiance.
They will be slaves...
Slavery is a human institution grounded not necessarily in the physical chains we usually mentally associate with such oppression, but rather in the totalitarian impulse of the passive aggressive bully to control. Progressives, liberals, socialists, communists, watermelons, and postmodern feminist gender studies folks all tend toward that very passive aggressive to aggressive personality type. This impulse to manipulate and control people's mind is the very essence of slavery. You can have all the trappings of slavery you want, but at the end of the day, the slaves must know that they are slaves.
We are all slaves to the imperial federal government. Any free citizen who must work almost half the year to pay all of the taxes they owe for that year is not a free citizen. They are at best, indentured servants; at worst, they are outright slaves. And some among us are already bought, paid, and owned by the Democrat Party.
Reach out to your fellow citizens. Lead by example. Show what a citizen of a community does. Show how you do not lead from behind the way this President does. Show that you do not need a government official to sanction every action you take. Show that you believe in a country where the rule of law is paramount, free market principles are valued, and respect for the Founders brings us to a deeper understanding of the notion of freedom.
Otherwise, Forward to socialism.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Never too late...
To start over.
On this day, this day of days.
There have been enough remembrances, enough memorials. We have prayed. We have cried. We have tried to understand.
And we have waged war. The comparisons to 1984 and the condition of total, unending war against East Asia or Eurasia or at this point, does it really matter, are replete enough not to need mentioning. The jihadis wanted war. Well, war was what they got.
And the apoplectic Left continues to stay stuck in their Marxian-infused echo chamber. Over-sampling of Democrats in almost every poll? Pah, who cares about party identification, everyone knows that Democrats are the largest party.
The Marxian Echo Chamber is a dangerous place to be. For people who are trapped there, well, I have no pity for their intellectual dishonesty. They lie to themselves every single day. And they lie to everyone they encounter.
The strike in Chicago is a perfect example of the disfunction of the Left. How can teachers strike? How can employees of the public be allowed to strike? When will the supporters of the teachers realize that the children are what matters? When will we realize that life is too precious to be entrusted to ideological, illiterate fools who think that the public is their personal piggy bank?
On this day, this day of days, it is time that we stop memorializing. It is time that we stopped living in the past. It is time that we found a way to a new future. It is time to end the Image Age. It is time to fire the embodiment of the Image Age, President TelePrompter.
It is time not to move forward, but to change course. It is time not to move forward toward some vague dystopian nightmare, but into the light that is liberty. It is bright, and it is overwhelming, but liberty is not for the weak-willed. It is for the valiant.
On this day, this day of days.
There have been enough remembrances, enough memorials. We have prayed. We have cried. We have tried to understand.
And we have waged war. The comparisons to 1984 and the condition of total, unending war against East Asia or Eurasia or at this point, does it really matter, are replete enough not to need mentioning. The jihadis wanted war. Well, war was what they got.
And the apoplectic Left continues to stay stuck in their Marxian-infused echo chamber. Over-sampling of Democrats in almost every poll? Pah, who cares about party identification, everyone knows that Democrats are the largest party.
The Marxian Echo Chamber is a dangerous place to be. For people who are trapped there, well, I have no pity for their intellectual dishonesty. They lie to themselves every single day. And they lie to everyone they encounter.
The strike in Chicago is a perfect example of the disfunction of the Left. How can teachers strike? How can employees of the public be allowed to strike? When will the supporters of the teachers realize that the children are what matters? When will we realize that life is too precious to be entrusted to ideological, illiterate fools who think that the public is their personal piggy bank?
On this day, this day of days, it is time that we stop memorializing. It is time that we stopped living in the past. It is time that we found a way to a new future. It is time to end the Image Age. It is time to fire the embodiment of the Image Age, President TelePrompter.
It is time not to move forward, but to change course. It is time not to move forward toward some vague dystopian nightmare, but into the light that is liberty. It is bright, and it is overwhelming, but liberty is not for the weak-willed. It is for the valiant.
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