There is a curious thing about learning how to listen. You begin to forget that you, too, have a voice. You begin to lose the need, the almost daily need to vocalize what you think and instead thinkg about what you think. And across what constitutes the vast bloated, bloviating sphere of the American intelligentsia, a swath of mandibular excrement emanates from the newspapers, the blogs, the magazines, the ezines, the people who pay for their own personal commercials at two in the morning, every poster on every BBS board, everybody who is saying, writing, promoting basically any and everything. But who is listening to all of this? Who is listening and more importantly, who is absorbing all of this, and what impact does any of it have?
And thus, when you make a conscious effort to not say anything about what's happening in the world, about what's happening in the part of the world that only reacts to what's happening in the world, you begin to realize that what you have to say about anything doesn't really matter. In fact, you notice, that the more people there talking about any one thing, the less is matters. And then you notice that perhaps never before have so many voices had so little to say all at once. That never before have so many been people been empowered with technology and had no real use for it. That never before have so many people had the opportunity to improve themselves, to improve their awareness, to improve their knowledge of this life and so few of them, across the breadth and depth of the political spectrum, have taken advantage of it.
I've said it just now and I'll probably say it again, but never before have so many had so little to say about the massive complexity that is this little planet, and so little of consequence. Most of what qualifies as commentary on the left is as tired as it is noxious. Much of what qualifies as commentary on the right is as empty as it is paranoid. Nobody who is "qualified" to speak about what passes for American civilization these days really has any idea what the "ordinary" American life is. The party of the common man is the party of the limoliberal and the party of federalism is the party of the countryclub "mexicans take care of the fairways" republicans. It ought not be a secret that I consider the fact that structure of the major parties and the structure of the Communist Parties of the former eastern bloc are remarkably similar. It ought also not be a secret that at this point, I consider serious reform to be impossible. If six years of a Republican President and a Republican Congress, and a Republican appointed Supreme Court (only two of the sitting justices were appointed by a Democrat) can't bring about at least a flatter tax system, a reduction in the overall size of government, partial, even just partial privitization of social security/medicare/medicaid, or outright victories in Afghanistan or Iraq (thus seriously alienating Jacksonians of all stripes), and at least beginning the long process of undoing the welfare state, with none of this having happened at all, in the least, in the past six years....let's just say it ought to be obvious to anyone watching that the American system of government has become paralyzed, worse, unable to use any of the powers granted to it to any effect. The Left moans and complains about the President being essentially a fascist precursor or a fascist himself, yet what actual power does the President have over you? Can the President even order the border closed? Can the President order what dictators and tyrants alike have had the power to do, protect the territorial and demographic integrity of their nations? Can the President do that? If not, then how much power does the President actually have?
And what about all those people out there who aren't talking and they aren't listening...they aren't even aware that there is a, discussion, no, a shouting competition taking place. Or, worse, they could simply be talking, exalting their status online on such fetid, purile nonsense like myspace or friendster where people show off how many "friends" they have and list all of their daily interests in a tiny side bar, which is of course, where interests truly belong. And then they think that this, like, so normal, this is what everybody has always done...oh my GAWD aren't we just so important.
I feel sick to my stomach. I feel completely unable to make any sense other than this: something has got to give. And sooner, rather than later. Something, because this False War that we've been engaged in since 9/11/01, much like the False War of September 1939 through 1940, cannot continue indefinitely. I know this sounds ridiculous to say, but the longer we go without an attack, the sooner we are to the next one, which will undoubtedly be a much larger, more coordinated strike against multiple targets.
I want everyone, and I mean everyone, all the talking heads, all the posting fools, all you Instapundit wannabees and Katie Courics and everybody, I want everybody to just shut up. Be quiet, sit down and listen to yourself for a while, maybe a whole day, say nothing, turn your cell phone off and your house phone and the computer and the tv and everything and just sit, drink some tea, collect your thoughts, find your thoughts, and then, maybe when you've had a while to think about what you've been saying everyone might pull their heads of out their collective asses and we can get some things done. Until then, we continue at roughly one half impulse...ahead full Mr. Sulu.
Monday, April 10, 2006
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